Two Seams Sewing Challenge

How to sew more in less time by sewing Two Seams a Day!

How long does it take to sew two seams? Less than ten minutes, usually. And yet, you have projects stacked up and languishing in your UFO basket, right? So do I! In fact, I have more than 500 sewing patterns, a whole wall of fabric shelving, and I am still not sewing enough. You too? Join me for the Two Seams Challenge.

My Local Yarn Shop challenged their followers and customers to knit or crochet two stitches each day. And I’ve (more or less) faithfully followed that. Sometimes it’s been literally TWO stitches!

What if I could do that every day? For your typical 2-hour project like a knit dress or pants, that’s 8 days to a new garment. For something more complicated like jeans? That’s one month. Two Seams could be setting up your machine or cutting out part of a pattern (just part!) The idea is simple:

Set a timer for 15 minutes

You can only do this for 15 minutes. You have fifteen minutes! I promise you! I am going to do this right after work, before I start dinner and before my kids have to jet off to other cities for travel sports.

Choose any activity that takes about 15 minutes (or two seams)

I’ll start with basting one seam, and pressing/Wonder Taping down a zipper on that basted seam. If I get done with that in under 10 minutes, I’ll set my machine for the regular stitch length and stitch it down.

That’s it! Every day!

What do I do if my machine can’t stay out? If I sew at my kitchen table?

Well, I’d suggest taking over one side of it, but if you can’t do that, have a large basket next to your table that you can take your machine, with the cords still attached, and set it in the basket. It’s off of the table but it’s not too far to lift up, set down and begin sewing.

I have a cabinet that I will put my machine in (takes 2 minutes, and I do the cord-never-unplugged trick there too). If you need a place to sew, people give away large armoires all the time, and with the right retrofit of a TV or dresser armoire, you can sew at one pretty easily. Even better if it’s designed as a desk.

Document it every day in your calendar, journal or online

Keeping yourself accountable will also help you create the habit. You can sew two seams with your morning coffee, or sew two seams with your evening cup of tea. I know many sewing pattern designers with young kids who sew late in the evening or early in the morning. I sometimes sew at lunch when my kids are at school. But wherever you find your Two Seams, just document it. The documenting part is the key part of the activity!

In a short period of time, you’ll have completed garments and projects, and you can savor that accomplishment and then move on to your next one.

The magazine I refer to in the video is Tauko Magazine. The sewing pattern is ME2046, the fabric is Cotton Lycra from SpandexHouse (a while back.)