Altering patterns

I altered the ELNC 207 to have the higher sleeve caps of the 307 version. I am using view 3, the flared overlay, and adding rosettes. I didn’t have enough of this to do in the pink heathered knit with long sleeves, but possibly I may cut this out with short sleeves tomorrow. I am also cutting baby leggings.

But I also thought maybe this might work in that fine charcoal wool jersey too. But I have to prewash a swatch, and then drape the fabric on my bare skin to determine if it’s not too itchy. Nothing worse than making a top that’s too itchy!

That’s all I’ve done this weekend, except knit, and that’s pretty good so far. I’m mainly just goofing off on the web tonight, rather than knitting. But I should get to the knitting at least.

On google maps, after looking at our Paris apartment, and the stores downstairs, I’ve also decided a pair of wide leg, deep cuff trousers are on my list of must-sew items. I’ll have to look through my stash and see what I have. When I say deep cuffs, way deep, 3″ at least. If I do end up doing a wideleg version of the knit pants from Christine Jonson, I will do a sewn-down cuff (knit fabric) Maybe wool jersey…

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