Slow sewing
Today I’m doing slow sewing. I cut out the lining of my couture jacket and the interfacing. And that’s it. Yep. I’m not fusing, sewing, anything. Just taking this slow and savoring the beauty of the fabric and the process.…
Today I’m doing slow sewing. I cut out the lining of my couture jacket and the interfacing. And that’s it. Yep. I’m not fusing, sewing, anything. Just taking this slow and savoring the beauty of the fabric and the process.…
I’ll bet without a doubt that most of you have some sort of exercise equipment gathering dust in your basement. What is it? A set of weights? A weight bench (if you do have a weight bench you are willing…
This is the start to a beautiful jacket I will wear forever.
I hand dyed this silk satin lining using my Procion professional dyes. I have had this set of Procion dye kit since about 1998 or so. I took a class at our local community education on how to do batik…
This pattern was my grandma’s and now I am making it for my toddler son. I think grandma would be pleased. She never met either of my kids but I think she will like this.
I’m taking a break today from the Use the Good Stuff posts (though I have one about the sled….I haven’t yet taken photos of it) to look at all the cool things I pinned on Pinterest and see what rises…
Today, I have on a shimmery knit shrug I sewed at least 10 years ago. I intended it and probably wore it over my LBD to some fancy black tie event. I hardly ever go to those now, but I…
In a world of Pinterest and food tv, it is easy to ignore those great cookbooks you have. My sister in law bought this for me almost 16 years ago and today was the first time I have used it.…
I found this champagne-colored vintage Mod style faux fur coat at a secondhand store up north in Michigan. It has 3/4 sleeves, a big swing shape, giant buttons that I’ll never be able to replace if they fall off, and…
Every year as a kid, hubby would play with their family’s lionel electric train. This year, despite craziness with a two-year old and five-year old, we pulled them out again for another trip around the tree.
This painted bell is my mother-in-law’s. One of many we took home as they clean out their stuff in preparation for their big move. The glass snowflake is from a trip to Chicago. Christmas is the perfect time to Use…
I got this necklace for my sophomore homecoming. And yes, that was long enough ago to be vintage. I wore it with a deep navy asian print dress. It was a very unusual dress for a fifteen year old going…