Vintage Hanky or Scarf top – DIY

I made this vintage hanky top about 10 years ago, after a friend gave me a pile of them her grandmother had collected. You’ll need 9 hankies or small square scarves, two buttons and thread to complete this project. Select…

A single moment for myself

Today, after doing the dishes, with my family out walking the dog (who is old, and thus moves slowly at best), I stood in the yard. We had the stereo cranked up. A song I hadn’t heard before was on…

The colors of summer

When I was younger, I loved receiving the JCrew catalog. Well, I still do, only now I like to get it online myself, so I’m not tempted when a paper one comes in the mail all the time. And, also,…

Beach luxury

I am sitting in the sand in wide leg sandwashed silk pants and a classic striped french tee. This mix of luxury and casual is lush. I feel beautiful. I’m never sure if I look beautiful – my eyes are…


And other toddlerisms. This week, he’s fascinated by the book Ten Little Ladybugs which has plastic ladybugs on the pages, and the bug toys at the park today, so everything is ‘wadybugs!’ whenever he sees a bug. When he sees…

Jalie 3132

Jalie 3132, a photo by annsiegle on Flickr. Spartan Nursing Hoodie! This was the most fun of the three I’ve made so far. I cut up a 20+ year old MSU tee shirt, and creatively used a green/white matchup harlequin…

Jalie 3132 short sleeve

Jalie 3132 short sleeve, a photo by annsiegle on Flickr. Another one of those wonderful nursing Hoodies! This time with cap sleeves, shirt length. This fabric was the wrong choice for the tee though – a very shimmery, gorgeous modal/lycra…

Eco Chic

I’ve decided the place I live in is eco chic. I’m crunchy in that I cloth diaper, I own a myriad of baby sling carriers (two in silk duppioni), I have large urban raised bed gardens in my yard, I…