no more sweaty babywearing!

Well, at least not because of a black carrier! I sewed a gorgeous ring sling out of a celadon green silk duppioni, with accents of teal (vintage) taffeta and teal aluminum sling rings. It’s just beautiful, a mix of that…

Not sewing, just waiting

I’m  just waiting for baby right now. Bought a pattern online for a nursing top and dress from an independent designer that I’ve discovered lately. I had previously downloaded one of those crazy wrap tops (like Isabella Oliver) for maternity…

Pant draft progress

I’ve nearly finished my pants draft. It doesn’t look like much now, but it will soon. I’ve lowered the waistline 1″ though probably will not keep this at the CB, but bring that one up to the natural waist just…

crafting disaster part deux

As if the first sling issue weren’t bad enough, I went to the local fabric store and bought MORE fabric, this time a slightly stretch teal poplin bottomweight. Laid it out and cut smack in the middle of it, never…

Crafting disaster

So I sewed in the pocket in this sling, and realized the entire thing was too short. Plus, this quilting cotton was too thick double layered (but not suitable for single…) to go through the medium sling rings. Argh! So…

Planning ahead

I bought fabric to sew the new baby some new baby stuff, but as it turns out, the only thing he might possibly need are some newborn pants, because lord knows we have dozens of onesies. Maybe a sweater or…

Nursing gifts for mama-to-be

No, not me. Though I do intend to sew myself some new gifts for nursing, these are for my 2nd cousin. She’s a younger mom, aged 21, so I want to make her something stylish that she’ll feel good about…

Summer style meet sewing style meet runway style

I’ve often loved the classic ‘summer at the lake house’ look – khakis, fitted shirts, shirtdresses, bateau neck tees, wide leg linen trousers, flat sandals or ballet flats. And this spring both high fashion, mainstream fashion and sewing have converged.…