Nursing workout top

I made Elizabeth Lee Nursing Classics 205, the tank, in a wicking pink knit. It’s not at all stretchy on the lengthwise grain, somewhat stretchy, with low recovery, on the crosswise grain. I’ve strugged with this fabric before, some years…

sneaking in sewing time

Most of the respondents in the survey we did recently for a sewing pattern company cited ‘no time to sew’ as one of the reasons their patterns were still in factory folds. But I will challenge anyone to ‘no time…

Sew many patterns – sewing goals for 2009

Been surfin’ the Jalie website for some new knits patterns. I’m considering a couple of the ruched top patterns that I don’t have (and Emilie posted the cutest versions of herself pregnant in them). I love 2787, the criss cross…

bought some classics

I bought three basic cardigans today. A black cardi, to replace the Jcrew one that tore through the actual knitted fabric (it was probably 20 years old), a magenta baby cable cardi, and a coral pink cardi. I wasn’t sure…

Leggings, done

Boy that was easy! Sewed the microfleece powerstretch leggings in under an hour. I do need to shorten them a smidge (they’re bunchy around the ankles) but they are fantastic! I did the serged-on waistband with zigzag topstitch and it…

I’m taking the plunge

I’ve always wanted to sew swimwear, so I’m buying two swimsuit patterns. The Kwik Sew tankini and the Elizabeth Lee Nursing classics tank. I decided on the tank because I may want a suit I can actually swim (as in…

I found a swimsuit pattern

that I think i can alter for nursing and that I will like, and serves my needs. It’s Kwik Sew 3608, a lovely strapless tankini. I’ll lengthen the body twice it’s normal length and do some ruching straps on the…

fashion as sport

Tonight, I got a lovely yoga/bodywear/sportswear catalog in the mail. Lots of knit tops and pants, fun dresses, some of those legging/miniskirt combos and a laid back attitude with cool graphics. It inspired me to do 35 minutes of yoga…


So I was telling my friend Sue that I wanted to be memorable for a new prospective client meeting today, and I should wear my cape. She agreed, a cape is edgy and classic and would be memorable. Except it…