Category Sew Paradise

It’s snowing!

Nothing like a little a little snow coming down to get me in the mood for sewing something for winter!  It’s been a weirdly warm winter, with 55 degree sunny days in January, interspersed with 24-degree days without snow. This…

Sewing for winter

I’ve long posted here that I really don’t ‘sew ahead’ – like the NY, Paris and Milan fashion scene, which works, seemingly, a year ahead (pre-fall 2012? I just got over fall 2011!), the sewing scene does somewhat the same.…

In the quest for health, just turn left

The other day, I was pulling out of the preschool dropoff and had the choice of turning right, where I’d run the gauntlet of fast food, favorite sub shops and even a grocery store. Or turning left, which is largely…

Christine Jonson makes it easy!

I started sewing this reversible hoodie in “shockwave” a Missoni-esque rayon lycra from Christine’s fall collection 2011 about a month ago. It is basically two identical hooded jackets sewn together and turned right side out through an opening in the…

Christmas sewing

I scaled back this year, but still am sewing. Tonight I’m making a pup tent (indoors or out!) for my niece and nephew, aged 6 and 4, two plush pillows and a floor cloth for them. The tent is a…

What gives away a woman’s age?

Twice in two days I’ve seen two women, in almost an identical outfit, but each, I could clearly identify her age (young or middle-aged). As I am now, a middle-aged mother of two (that brings to mind a whole host…

Winter wonderland

This evening I had to scrape a good 3/4″ of heavy wet snow off my car with an umbrella. I was dressed in a long trench coat and rain boots, which tells you what the weather was like when I…