I’m taking a break today from the Use the Good Stuff posts (though I have one about the sled….I haven’t yet taken photos of it) to look at all the cool things I pinned on Pinterest and see what rises to the top. I realize pinning is a little bit like my pattern collection – I probably won’t ever sew them all, but I like the option of doing so. I also want to pin new creative ideas for my friends and followers to enjoy:
This year I’d like to craft more – and craft with my kids so they know the joy of making.
Beading: I can bead with my fancy beads while my toddler strings macaroni and my kindergartner strings plastic beads.
Sewing: I can sew on my machine with a toddler in my lap, or get him started with sewing cards. My kindergartner gets her own machine next week (I’m not sure who’s more excited!)
Drawing: It’s been years since I’ve drawn. I will get out my chalks and pencils and draw our dog and still life at least, even if drawing my children seems daunting right now. My kids love to draw.
Designing: Infographics, content design are my watchwords for this year.
Cooking: use those recipes! Pinterest, books, whatever.
Of course, less time online, but that’s largely a function of putting my son to bed on time (since that’s when I’m online!)