Join me for UFO October. Seems like spooky season would be awesome if we could bang out a few of those UFOs before holiday sewing sets in! What’s in your sewing UFO unfinished objects pile? Here’s mine!
Blazers – unlined knit/textured stretch
Christine Jonson Patterns Fitted Jacket. This jacket is a blazer style, unlined, made from stretch fabric. I have a stretch herringbone that requires both straight stitch AND serging on this serger-friendly jacket. I have more fabric and have intended to make a Boyfriend blazer too (two blazers! Probably the last 2 black blazers I’ll ever need to sew.) This is likely too small, but this has SO MANY panels – front, side front, side back, back x 2 – that I can make these seams 3/8″ and gain an extra 2″ across the whole jacket!

Hot Patterns Riviera Boulevard Cardigan Jacket. This cropped boxy jacket is really early to mid 00s but the cropped boxy is coming baaaaack in!
The Boca Bay bikini by Greenstyle. I sent this one into timeout before going to Jamaica in 2023 and it sits there still. I had to buy more fabric, but my goal is to get this done this winter before spring break again. This fits, I’m roughly the same size as 2 years ago, so it’s a matter only of construction snafus.
A no-sew fleece ruana is getting some arty applique and hand stitching: this is my 2025 winter Hockey Rink project (I am pretty sure I’ll be able to wear it/use it as a blanket while I stitch it.) I like to have a project I can hand-sew in the many, many hours at hockey rinks and tournaments. I’ve been known to bring a sewing machine to a long 4 day tournament too (for the hotel room.)
I pulled out several projects that I will upcycle into something else – they don’t fit, I’m not in love with the project and it’s better to just move it into something better. I also sorted my mending basket to fewer items (although I did not eliminate any of them, just took out the other stuff out of the basket.)
When I go back to my UFO projects, invariably I feel that little rush that comes with seeing a ‘new’ project – you too? But then there’s the reason I got stalled on it in the first place – wrong size, something went wrong in the construction process. To reinvigorate, I remind myself they are cut out already, they are partway finished, and I am coming at them with fresh eyes!
I also am sewing someone else’s UFO projects!! This is entirely fresh. They cut them out, they didn’t fit, donated to my LFS and I’m making them now. I have four pair of jean/jean shorts cut out by someone else and never sewn. What a UFO that is! But I’m making them for myself and making size mods to them because they don’t (quite) fit me either!