

I'm Ann. I've been sewing since I was 9. My first project was a denim wrap skirt. Thrifting is a way of life for me - both eco-chic and financially savvy.

Sewing Project Rescues

What do you do when you’ve mortally wounded your sewing project? We’ve all done it, from cutting too small to slicing a hole when you’re just about done, to getting it caught in dye in the washer. Slice/cut into a…

International Indie Sewing Pattern Reviews

International Indie Sewing Pattern Review

My favorite international indie sewing patterns in a video review! This includes patterns I have sewn or I currently own. I round up some fun spring to summer looks including pants, tops, dresses, and two swimsuits along with a coat…

How to organize sewing patterns

Using Trello to organize sewing patterns

Use the free Trello desktop and mobile app to organize sewing patterns the easy and flexible way! I use Trello to organize sewing patterns and fabric for inspiration, not just organization. I use Trello to get excited about sewing my…