First hint of fall
Well, it’s not really a hint. It was 39 degrees this morning. That’s more like a smack. So on this first (sunny and gorgeous) first crisp (smack) of fall coming August (is it still August?) morning, I’m thinking fall sewing.…
Well, it’s not really a hint. It was 39 degrees this morning. That’s more like a smack. So on this first (sunny and gorgeous) first crisp (smack) of fall coming August (is it still August?) morning, I’m thinking fall sewing.…
Yeah, I know. I always resist this first fall sewing post of the season and it’s almost always on my summer vacation that it happens! I always have many things on my “oh I want to sew that” list, but…
The tango cardigan is coming out super fab. I have to do some understitching of the front facings, but it’s done. As are the white ITY knit wide leg pants, save the hem. Very drapey, very summery white pants. Definitely…
I am planning two weeks worth of sewing and vacationing. Peanut needs a half-dozen or more pairs of training pants (from a pattern I can buy online). Mama has a whole list of other things. First up, the Tango white…
It’s gorgeous. The light just streams in this house unlike the other, which was cozy and serene in a different way. This one is dramatic, with high ceilings, a ton of light. But the front playroom is delightful. My machines…
I found the gray leather I cut off the too-long buttery soft leather skirt a friend gave me, and used the edges (which were doubled and stitched both sides) of the hem for the handles on the Homage tote. I…
White ITY knit pants – wide leg with banded waist. White ruffle cardigan – 3/4 sleeve from BaseWearTwo Garden print capsleeve dress – Elizabeth Lee gray Italian windowpane pants – trouser pants, wide leg (measure and trace my fave pantleg…
to use the patterns in my stash. Packing them up into a box almost 36″ tall x 2′ square (I stuck a yoga mat in there so it could say Patterns & Misc, instead of, shockingly, just Patterns) I realized…
I finished sewing all the Provençale fabric – over the weekend, I sewed six sets of placemats and napkins, and a padded warm trivet to match. Tonight, I sewed the shower curtain for our main bath upstairs. Done! I do…
I have a lot of ideas swirling around in my head, and probably 3 weeks or less before we move. So, here goes: a list: Homage tote – finish sewing (get 2- 7″ zippers) Use blue suede for handles. Select…
Is this not the cutest dress? I also made the elastic waist bloomer shorts in the navy (the reverse side). It came together pretty easily, too. I could see this as a jumper over a long sleeved shirt and leggings…
This has got to be my favorite issue of the season. See, in Europe, people go away on Holiday in August, usually somewhere like the South of France, Italy, or Greece. It’s all about the sunshine in August in Europe.…