Next set of projects

Once these UFOs are taken care of, I’m going to move on to a few easy things – all tops. First on the list are a few of the CJ tops – a brown stretch velvet princess top. Same one…

The UFO is down to three…

I have three items in the UFO pile and that’s it. I’m working on the two CJ fitted jackets that I started at least three years ago, if not more. I’m also altering the PJ’s I worked on last winter.…

wardrobe malfunction

This afternoon, I’m reaching (not far, just across my desk) and I feel and  hear rrrrip! My first thought is the lining of my BWoF cropped jacket has torn out. but then I realize it’s the 20-year old Ann Taylor…

The cape is done…

I recut a fourth (fifth?) panel and voila, almost a perfect match for the other side! It looks great, it’s done. It calls for topstitching, around the collarband, but I am not sure I’ll do that. I will post a…

I’m taking the cape apart

I removed the offending unmatched plaid panel. Pinned my second one in, not a match. The vertical plaid is along the seamline, and on the other side, it’s two inches over. Cut another one, but cut it too much on…


The cape is almost done. I took the morning to finish it up (it’s my wednesday day off, babe is at day care til noon as usual). I’m doing the hand openings and then independently machine hemming the lining and…

ASG group

I don’t know that I could have expected to show up at a local asg and see anything different than the national one – mainly women who are much older than I am, and a lot of quilts and surface…

sewing day success

I managed to sew together the body parts of the cape – and lining. But in sewing them up I realized the CF plaids did NOT match. Not even close. So I had to recut (!) new CF panels. One…

The messenger bag and the sewing day

The messenger bag is DONE! and it came out GREAT! I am going to retweak one little part of topstitching on the front (where the lining and the bag are sewn closed – I don’t really need topstitching there, so…